Answers to frequently asked questions


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FAQ 13C Products 

Useful knowledge: A European guideline

How can I avoid spreading viruses from breath samples in the room?

You may connect a changeable filter to the device outlet.

What shall I know about taking a breath sample?

Please see this video instructions.

I don’t know what device is right for me.

Just have a look into our Device Selection Guide.

How to avoid the error ‘CO2 concentration too low’?

Make sure the breath bags or tubes are blown in a proper way. Please follow that video instructions.

If you are working with the FANas, the needle and/or the tubes may be blocked by particles originating from the gaskets of the tubes.
Switch to your spare needle+tubes set and clean the removed parts mechanically or using compressed air.

I’m a person responsible for the equipment. What to observe regarding the QM?  

Please see this document:
Recommendations for Quality Assurance

Additionally we provide you the templates following:

Does FAN provide a loan unit for the time of my 13C analyzer is being maintained?

We’d be glad to, terms as following:

  • Period of loan starts with the day of dispatch and ends with the day of arrival at FAN’s.
  • If there is any service work necessary because of user caused damages the loan period ends when the device is available for the next customer again.
  • shipping costs are on the respective sender’s expense
  • shipping in the original cardbox only
  • consumables not included


  • FANhp: 35 €
  • HeliFANplus: 45 €
  • FANci2-var: 50 €
  • HeliFANplus with FANas: 70 €

All fees plus 125 € shipping costs (within the EU only; incl. transportation insurance).

FAQ H2 Products 

Useful knowledge: A European guideline

I got a question regarding the LactoFAN2 operation.

Please view our product video and have a look into the Instruction for Use.

How shall patients be prepared for a H2 breath test?

The day before the test there shall be a low-fiber diet. Before the test a 12 hour fastening is neccessary; teeth brushing is recommended and a beverage free of sugars allowed 1…2 hours before the test.

I don’t know how to dose the substrate.

There is a H2 test protocols overview.
If you got further questions you may find the handbook Hydrogen Breath Tests useful.

The device shows a big cloud!

An error has occurred.
Please read off the error code displayed below that picture at the device and refer to the Instruction for Use where you can find a description of all errors plus instructions how to solve them.

1Zero point too low (air the device 24 hours)
2Zero point too high (air the device 24 hours)
4Sensor sensitivity too low (sensor must be exchanged)
8Sensor sensitivity too high (sensor must be exchanged)
16Calibration drift too high (air the device >2 days)
32Temperature too low (wait for temperature equalization)
64Temperature too high (wait for temperature equalization)
128Zero-point drift (air the device some minutes)
256Sensor backup battery exhausted (must be exchanged by service partner)
512Main batteries exhausted (please replace 4x AA)
1024H2 reading exceeds 300 ppm
2048Basal value too high (repeat the test, make sure the patient has fasten for at least 12 hours, see low-fiber diet)
4096Quality check failed — reading of test gas out of ±2ppm [±5% of target] range
Concurrent errors will add up!
I’m a person responsible for the equipment. What to observe regarding the QM?

Please inform yourself with this document:
Quality assurance recommendations

You may use this template regarding:
Quality Assurance Checklist for H2 devices

Does FAN provide a loan unit for the time of my H2 breath test device is being maintained? 

We’d be glad to, terms as following:

You may use this template regarding:
Quality Assurance Checklist for H2 devices

  • Period of loan starts with the day of dispatch and ends with the day of arrival at FAN’s.
    If there is any service work necessary because of user caused damages the loan period ends when the device is available for the next customer again.
  • shipping costs are on the respective sender’s expense
  • consumables not included

Fees: 13 € / day
All fees plus 11.20 € shipping costs (within the EU only; incl. transportation insurance).

How long old versions of FAN software will be supported?
  • Bug-fixes are supplied free of charge until the next main version of the software regarded is released.
  • User support (software operation) is available for five years after first release of that software’s main version.
  • The support is terminated automatically with
    • switching to another OS version than the software was released for
    • end of live of the OS version the software is running on